
Assembly: Registry;


The IRegistryKey interface contains properties and methods for working with registry key objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Name The Name property returns the name of registry key.
SubKeyCount The SubKeyCount property returns the number of subkeys for the current registry key.
ValueCount The ValueCount property returns the number of parameters in the registry subkey.


  Method name Brief description
CreateSubKey The CreateSubKey method creates a subkey in the registry.
DeleteSubKey The DeleteValue method deletes subkey from the registry.
DeleteValue The DeleteValue method deletes parameter in the registry subkey.
Flush The Flush method records all attributes of the specified opened registry subkey to the hard drive.
GetSubKeyNames The GetSubKeyNames method returns the collection of subkeys names for this registry key.
GetValueNames The GetValueNames method returns the collection of names of registry subkey parameters.
OpenSubKey The OpenSubKey method opens registry subkey.
ReadBoolean The ReadBoolean method reads logical value from the REG_DWORD parameter in the registry without checking parameter availability.
ReadBooleanDef The ReadBooleanDef method reads logical value from the REG_DWORD parameter in the registry.
ReadDateTime The ReadDateTime method reads date and time from binary parameter in the registry without checking parameter availability.
ReadDateTimeDef The ReadDateTimeDef method reads date and time from binary parameter in the registry.
ReadDouble The ReadDouble method reads real value from binary parameter in the registry without checking parameter availability.
ReadDoubleDef The ReadDoubleDef method reads real value from binary parameter in the registry.
ReadInteger The ReadInteger method reads integer value from the REG_DWORD parameter in the registry without checking parameter availability.
ReadIntegerDef The ReadIntegerDef method reads integer value from the REG_DWORD parameter in the registry.
ReadString The ReadString method reads character value from string parameter in the registry without checking parameter availability.
ReadStringDef The ReadStringDef method reads character value from string parameter in the registry.
ReadVariant The ReadVariant method reads value of the Variant format from string parameter in the registry without checking parameter availability.
ReadVariantDef The ReadVariantDef method reads value in the Variant format from string parameter in the registry.
SubKeyExists The SubKeyExists method checks presence of subkey in the registry.
ValueExists The SubKeyExists method checks presence of parameter in the registry subkey.
WriteBoolean The WriteBoolean method changes logic parameter value.
WriteDateTime The WriteDateTime method changes value of the parameter containing date and time.
WriteDouble The WriteDouble method changes value of the parameter containing real numbers.
WriteInteger The WriteInteger method changes value of the parameter containing integer numbers.
WriteString The WriteString method changes string parameter value.
WriteVariant The WriteVariant method changes value of the parameter of the Variant type.

See also:

Registry Assembly Interfaces