

The ITreeCombo interface contains properties and methods of the TreeCombo development environment component.


  Property name Brief description
AnimationType The AnimationType property determines the type of animation that is used when the component list is expanded.
AutoUpdateInfo The AutoUpdateInfo property determines whether the information about selection in the component editor is updated automatically.
CancelOnEscape The CancelOnEscape property determines whether the set selection is canceled, and the list is closed on pressing the ESC key.
CloseOnClick The CloseOnClick property determines whether the list is automatically closed when one of the elements is selected with a mouse click.
CloseOnEnter The CloseOnEnter property determines whether the list is closed, and the selection is saved on pressing the ENTER key.
CustomMultiselectText The CustomMultiselectText property determines whether a custom template is used to form component text on multiple selection.
CustomMultiselectTextTemplate The CustomMultiselectTextTemplate property determines the template, according to which component text will be formed on multiple selection.
Dropped The Dropped property returns whether the drop-down list is visible.
DroppedListHeight The DroppedListHeight property determines height of the drop-down list of the component.
DroppedListWidth The DroppedListWidth property determines width of the drop-down list of the component.
DroppedPopupMenu The DroppedPopupMenu property determines the context menu that is opened in the area of the drop-down list of the component.
FilterStyle The FilterStyle property determines a mode of building the filtered elements tree.
FindEditVisible The FindEditVisible property determines whether the search field is displayed when the drop-down list of component is expanded.
ShowEditImage The ShowEditImage property determines whether the element icon is displayed in the component editor.
ShowSystemHints The ShowSystemHints property determines whether a system tooltip is displayed for various component elements.

Properties inherited from ITreeControl

  Property name Brief description

The AdjustWidthOnlyVisible property determines the method of auto adjusting column width.

The AutoCheckParent property determines whether the parent nodes of the component automatically receive an indefinite state, if not all of the child elements are selected.

The BorderStyle property determines a style of the frame that outlines the component.

The Checkboxes property determines whether component elements have checkboxes.

The ColumnClick property determines whether column headers can be displayed as buttons.

The Columns property returns the component columns collection.

The DropTargetNode property determines the node of the component, over which user is dragging another node at the moment.

The EnableFindDialog property determines whether pressing CTRL+F or F3 hot keys opens a standard dialog box of elements search.

The FindMode property determines the mode of selection of found elements.

The FocusedNode property determines the node that is focused at the moment.

The GridLines property determines whether the grid is displayed.

The HeaderMenu property determines the context menu that opens on clicking the additional mouse button on the component column header.

The HideSelection property determines whether the selection is displayed in the component when the focus is passed to another component.

The HighlightTrack property determines whether to highlight element on mouse over.

The HotTrack property determines whether the element, over which the mouse cursor hovers, is underlined.

The HotTrackAutoExpand property determines whether the state of the child elements tree is changed on clicking on the selected element.

The Images property determines a list of images displayed next to the elements of component tree.

The InnerRoot property returns parameters of the inner root node of the tree.

The Locked property determines whether it is possible to change selection and edit element text in the component.

The Nodes property returns the collection of component elements.

The ReadOnly property determines whether text of elements of the TreeList component can be edited.

The RowSelect property determines whether it is necessary to highlight the whole string of the selected element.

The Selected property returns the last selected element of the tree.

The Selection property returns the selection of the elements tree.

The SelectionMode property determines the mode of selection of component elements.

The ShowButtons property determines whether the buttons of expanding and collapsing of the nodes child tree are displayed.

The ShowColumnHeaders property determines whether column headers are displayed.

The ShowHeaderButton property determines whether to show the button that opens column headers menu.

The ShowHints property determines whether tooltips are displayed when the mouse hovers over elements.

The ShowLines property determines whether the line that connects the node with its children is displayed.

The SortColumn property determines index of the column, by which sorting is executed.

The Sorted property determines whether it is possible to sort by the column specified in the SortColumn property.

The SortType property determines a type of sorting for the component.

The StateImages property determines a list of images that are used to indicate the condition of component tree elements.

Properties inherited from IControl

  Property name Brief description
Align The Align property determines component alignment within its parent component.
AllowDrag The AllowDrag property determines whether an object can be dragged from a component.
AllowDrop The AllowDrop property determines whether a component can accept a dragged object.
Anchors The Anchors property returns settings determining % of the resize for the current component when the parent component is resized.
Brush The Brush property determines the brush that is used to fill the component area.
ClientHeight The ClientHeight property determines the height of the client component area.
ClientWidth The ClientWidth property determines the width of the client component area.
Color The Color property determines a component background color.
Cursor The Cursor property determines how the cursor looks like when is it hovered over a component during form execution.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether a component is available for the user.
Focused The Focused property returns True if the focus is set to the component.
Font The Font property determines parameters of the font that is used to display text in a component.
Height The Height property determines component height in pixels.
HelpContext The HelpContext property determines a unique index for a section of a context help for this component.
Hint The Hint property determines a tooltip text displayed on hovering over a component.
HintTimeout The HintTimeout property determines for how long a tooltip is displayed.
Left The Left property determines a coordinate of the component left edge in pixels.
Parent The Parent property determines a parent component.
ParentColor The ParentColor property determines whether a component inherits the color of the parent component.
ParentFont The ParentFont property determines whether a component uses the font of the parent component.
ParentShowHint The ParentShowHint property determines when a tooltip is displayed.
PopupMenu The PopupMenu property determines the context menu that opens when the component is clicked with the right mouse button.
Scrolls The Scrolls property returns parameters of component's scrollbars.
ShowHint The ShowHint property determines whether a tooltip is displayed when a component is hovered.
TabOrder The TabOrder property determines a component position in a tab order.
TabStop The TabStop property determines whether the component must be focused when the Tab button is pressed.
Text The Text property determines a row identifying a component for the user.
Top The Top property determines a coordinate of the component top edge in pixels.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the component is displayed when a form is executed.
Width The Width property determines horizontal size of a component in pixels.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns the child component, which index is passed by the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines a component name.
Tag The compiler does not use the Tag property. The user can change the value of the Tag property and use it as he wishes.


  Method name Brief description
AdjustDroppedListWidth The AdjustDroppedListWidth property adjusts width of the component's drop-down list.
DropDown The DropDown property expands the combobox.
RollUp The RollUp method collapses the drop-down list.
UpdateInfo The UpdateInfo method updates information about elements selection that is displayed in the component editor.

Methods inherited from ITreeControl

   Method name Brief description
AdjustWidth The AdjustWidth method automatically adjusts width of the column taking into account its contents.
GetItemAt The GetItemAt method checks if there is an element in the specified point of client component area.
HitTest The HitTest method checks if there is an element in the specified point of client component area and returns check result.
Sort The Sort method sorts elements of the specified column in the specified direction.
SortDefault The SortDefault method executes ascending sorting of component elements.

Methods inherited from IControl

   Method name Brief description
ClientToScreen The ClientToScreen method converts point coordinates specified relative to the component's coordinate system into screen coordinates.
DoDragDrop The DoDragDrop method enables the user to start dragging operation.
GetImage The GetImage method returns a graphic presentation of a component together with all child components.
ScreenToClient The ScreenToClient method converts point's screen coordinates into coordinates specified relative to the component's coordinate system.
SetFocus The SetFocus method sets focus to this component.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces