

LargeImages: IImageList;


The LargeImages property determines the component that contains large images that will be used by controls of this ribbon tab.


Specify the ImageList or GlobalImageList component as a value of this property.

When setting up the ribbon, any large images can be connected with the particular controls. The images are stored as the IMAGE_LARGE collection on the separate tab:











The specific controls are connected with the images in the collection by indexes:












When the XML string of the ribbon is loaded, the image, which name matches the <Name> element of the <IMAGE_LARGE> tag, is searched for in resources. This image must contain the horizontal ribbon of icons. During the loading the dividing into separate icons is executed, and obtained icons are connected by indexes with the corresponding controls.

If there are no large icons in the resources, they can be set using this property. The images from the set component can also be loaded by indexes.

NOTE. When the collection of images of this property is changed dynamically, the images in the controls are not refreshed automatically. Specify again the component in this property to apply all changes.


The property use is given in the example for IRibbonCategories.Add.

See also:
