Deployment and Preparation of Rocky Linux-Based Server

In this article:

Installing Docker Components

Installing the curl Tool

Installing the docker-compose Utility

Foresight Mobile Platform works in the Docker containerization environment. Set up and deploy the Docker subsystem infrastructure on a mobile platform server and on a Relay server, if it is used.

To deploy a server:

  1. Prepare virtualization environment if a virtual server is used. Foresight Mobile Platform supports Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Workstation and Microsoft Hyper-V.

  2. Make sure that the operating system meets the system requirements.

  3. Install Docker components.

  4. Install the curl tool to send data from server.

  5. Install the docker-compose utility to simultaneously manage several containers included in the application.

After executing the operations the server is prepared for installing a mobile platform server.

Installing Docker Components

To install Docker components:

  1. Enter the server console locally or remotely using SSH client.

  2. Delete earlier versions of Docker:

% sudo dnf remove docker-ce docker-engine
% rm -rf /var/lib/docker

The specified components are possibly absent in the system.

  1. Update Docker components:

% sudo dnf update && sudo dnf upgrade

  1. Connect the Docker repository for the operating system in use:

% sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=

  1. Install Docker packages:

% sudo dnf install docker-ce --allowerasing -y

  1. Add the current account to the Docker group of users to start containers without requesting root privileges:

% sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

  1. Log out and log in again to the operating system, finish all user sessions in the console, use SSH or restart the server.

  2. Enable automatic startup of Docker on computer startup:

% sudo systemctl enable --now docker

  1. Check if Docker was installed correctly:

% docker run hello-world

As a result, the test Docker image is loaded, the test container is started and the response with the operation status is obtained

% docker version

As a result, the response with client version and Docker component server version is obtained:



  1. Delete the text container and the Docker image:

% docker container rm $(docker container ls –aq) && docker image rm $(docker image ls –aq)

After executing the operations, Docker components are installed to server.

Installing the curl Tool

To install the curl tool, execute the command:

% sudo dnf install -y curl

After executing the operations the curl tool is installed to send data from a mobile platform server.

Installing the docker-compose Utility

To install the docker-compose utility, execute the commands:

% sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
% sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
% docker-compose --version

After executing the operations the docker-compose is installed and the utility version title is displayed.

See also:

Installing and Setting Up Foresight Mobile Platform | Activation and License Management