

The IMapTerritoryInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with territory info.


  Property name Brief description
AttributeName The AttributeName property determines the name of the attribute for a territory info display.
BorderPen The BorderPen property determines parameters of territory info border.
Color The Color property determines the territory info background color.
ColumnCount The ColumnCount property determines the maximum number of columns of territory info.
DisplayVisibleOnly The DisplayVisibleOnly property determines the display order of territory info elements.
FillByRows The FillByRows property determines the arrangement of territory info elements.
Font The Font property determines font parameters of territory info.
FontColor The FontColor property determines font color parameters for territory info.
IsDirty The IsDirty property determines whether the territory info was changed.
KeyAttributeName The KeyAttributeName property determines the attribute name for a territory identifier display.
Layer The Layer property determines the layer, based on which territory info is displayed.
MarkerCellPadding The MarkerCellPadding property determines the spacing between identifier and territory info element name.
MaxItemCount The MaxItemCount property determines the maximum number of territory info elements.
SortType The SortType property determines sorting parameters of territory info elements.
Visible The Visible property determines territory info visibility.


  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method stops territory info rendering.
Draw The Draw method draws the specified rectangle of territory info.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method resumes territory info drawing.
GetBitmap The GetBitmap method returns territory info graphic presentation.
HitTestShape The HitTestShape method enables the user to get the map area at the specified point of the territory info.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces