

The IMapLegend interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map legend.


  Property name Brief description
The AutoPadding property determines whether automatic paddings are used in a legend.
The Background property returns legend background parameters.
The BorderPen property determines legend border parameters.
The Color property determines legend background color.
The ColumnCount property determines the number of legend columns.
The ColumsSpace property determines paddings between legend columns.
The ColumnSpaceAuto property determines whether paddings between legend columns are used.
The CustomFormat property enables the user to set a custom number format for a legend.
The Descending property determines whether to display legend elements in the inverse order.
The ElementPlacement property determines the method of legend elements layout.
The ElementsHorizontalAlign property determines the method of horizontal alignment of legend elements.
The Font property determines font parameters for legend elements.
The FontColor property determines font color parameters for legend elements.
The Footer property returns lower legend text parameters.
The Header property returns upper text parameters for a legend.
The IncludeEquals property determines whether to display the Equals element.
The IsDirty property determines whether legend parameters have been changed.
The LabelFormat property returns legend label format parameters.
The MarkersAtRight property determines whether to show markers to the right of the legend.
The MarkerSize property determines legend marker size.
The MarkerType property determines marker type for a legend.
The NoDataElementFirst property determines whether to display the No Data element first.
The NoDataElementVisible property determines whether to display the No Data element.
The Padding property determines legend paddings.
The RowCount property determines the number of rows in a legend.
The RowSpace property determines paddings between legend rows.
The RowSpaceAuto property determines whether automatic paddings are used between legend rows.
The SymbolSpace property determines paddings between legend icon and legend element label.
The SymbolSpaceAuto property determines whether automatic paddings are used between legend icon and legend element label.
The Visible property determines legend visibility.
The Visual property determines the indicator, for which a legend is displayed.


  Method name Brief description
The BeginUpdate method stops legend rendering.
The Draw method draws a legend in the specified rectangle.
The EndUpdate method resumes legend rendering.
The GetBitmap method returns legend graphic presentation by the specified parameters.
The ResetFormats method resets settings for legend elements.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces