

The IMapColorScale interface determines color scale parameters for a map.


  Property name Brief description
Color The Color property determines the fill color relative to the specified scale tick mark value.
Exact The Exact property determines fill color of the indicator, which values are equal to the scale tick mark value.
Greater The Greater property determines fill color of the indicator, which values exceed the scale tick mark value.
Less The Less property determines fill color of the indicator, which values are less than the scale tick mark value.
NoData The NoData property determines a fill color for the missing values.

Properties inherited from IMapScale

  Property name Brief description
AutoCalculable The AutoCalculable property determines whether report scale values are automatically calculated.
AutoScaleMode The AutoScaleMode property determines auto calculation type for the report scale.
Count The Count property determines the number of scale tick marks.
IsDirty The IsDirty property returns True in case the report scale was altered.
Value The Value property determines scale tick mark value.


  Method name Brief description
AutoSetup The AutoSetup method executes color scale autoset: it applies the gradient fill and calculates values for the scale tick marks preserving the specified number of intervals.
AutoSetupEx The AutoSetupEx method executes color scale autoset: it applies the gradient fill and calculates values for the scale tick marks.

Methods inherited from IMapScale

  Method name Brief description
AutoCalculate The AutoCalculate method automatically calculates values for a report scale.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces