

Color(Index: Integer; Impact: MapScaleSettingImpact): IGxColor;


Index - scale tick mark index.

Impact - determines the position relative to the scale tick mark value.


The Color property determines the fill color relative to the specified scale tick mark value. Each scale tick mark value (IMapScale.Value) has three color gradations (less, equals, greater). The indicators are colored according to the following pattern. If the indicator value is greater (less) than the scale tick mark value, the fill color is determined by the MapScaleSettingImpact.Less(MapScaleSettingImpact.Greater) parameter. If the indicator value is equal to the scale tick mark value, the fill color is determined by the MapScaleSettingImpact.Exact parameter.


The example requires the Report object of the IPrxReport type.

Sub UserProc;


Report: IPrxReport;

MapScale : IMapColorScale;

i : Integer;


MapScale := Report.Scales.Add(PrxMapScale.Color).MapScale As IMapColorScale;

MapScale.Count := 7;

For i := 0 To MapScale.Count - 1 Do

MapScale.Value(i) := (i + 1) * 3000;

MapScale.Color(i, MapScaleSettingImpact.Less) := New GxColor.CreateRGB(120, 100 + (i*15), 225);

MapScale.Color(i, MapScaleSettingImpact.Exact) := New GxColor.CreateRGB(170, 100 + (i*15), 225);

MapScale.Color(i, MapScaleSettingImpact.Greater) := New GxColor.CreateRGB(220, 100 + (i*15), 225);

End For;

End Sub UserProc;

A color scale is created for the regular report.  

See also:
