
Assembly: Map;


The IMapArrow interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the arrow between territories.

Inheritance Hierarchy



   Property name Brief description
Angle The Angle property determines arrow bend angle.
BasementWidth The BasementWidth property returns arrow size parameters.
CapLength The CapLength property determines arrow pointer length.
CapWidth The CapWidth property determines arrow pointer width.
ColorMapping The ColorMapping property returns arrow fill parameters.
DestID The DestID property determines the identifier of the territory that is the arrow end point.
DestName The DestName property determines the name of the territory that is the arrow end point.
Font The Font property determines arrow label font parameters.
Id The Id property determines arrow identifier.
OriginID The OriginID property determines the identifier of the territory being the arrow origin.
OriginName The OriginName property determines the name of the territory being the arrow origin.
Pen The Pen property determines arrow line and arrow pointer parameters.
Shape The Shape property determines arrow type.
TailWidth The TailWidth property determines arrow tail width.
Text The Text property determines arrow label text.
TextBackgroundColor The TextBackgroundColor property determines label background color.
TextDirection The TextDirection property determines label text direction.
TextForegroundColor The TextForegroundColor property determines arrow label color.
Visible The Visible property determines whether an arrow is visible.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces