

The IMapAreaVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a map indicator on a map layer.


  Property name Brief description
Color The Color property returns indicator fill parameters.
Fill The Fill property returns indicator hatching parameters.
FillColor The FillColor property returns indicator hatching color parameters.

Properties inherited from IMapVisual

  Property name Brief description
AttributeName The AttributeName property determines the name of indicator linking attribute.
DataAdapter The DataAdapter property determines an indicator data source.
Name The Name property determines an indicator name.
ToolTipFormat The ToolTipFormat property determines the format of display for the indicator values in a tooltip.
Visible The Visible property determines indicator visibility.
VisualType The VisualType property returns an indicator type.

Methods inherited from IMapVisual

  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method stops indicator rendering.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method resumes data rendering.
RefreshData The RefreshData method refreshes a indicator.
ResetCache The ResetCache method resets a data source cache.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces