Baxter-King Filter

The Baxter-King band pass filter is a method of smoothing a time series, that is a modification of the Hodrick-Prescott filter that provides wider opportunities for removing cycle component from a time series.

The filter procedure consists of singling out the repeated component of a time series by setting the width for oscillations of periodic component. The Baxter-King filter is a band pass filter that removes the cycle component S from the time series Y based on weighted moving average with specified weights. To calculate weights, the user should set cutoff frequencies that describe permissible non-seasonal oscillations of the smoothed series.

Let wu, wl are the upper and the lower limits of the cutoff frequency. Then the Bj weights for the specified lag/lead K are calculated by the following formulas:

Seasonal (cycle) component of the source series is calculated by the formula:


The result of smoothing is the source series with removed seasonal (cycle) component.

A generalized Baxter-King filter is applied to non-stationary time series. Non-stationarity is accounted for in the matrix of weights that depend on the observation number in generalized model. In this case the following formula is applied to calculate the seasonal component:


There are recommended values for lead, lag, upper and lower limits of bandwidth depending on calendar frequency of the source series:

Frequency Lead/lag Lower limit Upper limit
Annual 3 2 8
Semi-annual 6 3 16
Quarterly 12 6 32
Monthly 36 8 96
Weekly 156 78 416
5 Days 783 391.5 2088
7 Days 1095 547.5 2920

See also:

Library of Methods and Models | Modeling Container: The Baxter-King Filter Model | Time Series Analysis: Baxter-King Filter | IModelling.Bpf | ISmBandpassFilter