

IdentificationEndDate: DateTime;


The IdentificationEndDate property determines the end date of sample period.


The property value affects the forecast start date, that is the forecast start date is calculated as the end date of sample period plus one period.

Simultaneous use of the IdentificationEndDate and ILanerTransformPeriod.ForecastStartDate properties is not allowed.

The property value can be changed if ILanerTransformPeriod.PeriodSet contains value of LnTransformPeriodSet.IdentificationEndDate or LnTransformPeriodSet.All. That is why the ILanerTransformPeriod.PeriodSet value needs to be set before changing the IdentificationEndDate value.

If the property value is not set, the end date of sample period is determined by the ILanerTransformPeriod.IdentificationEndDateParamId property.

If the IdentificationEndDate and ILanerTransformPeriod.IdentificationEndDateParamId properties are set, the end date of sample period is determined by the last set property.


Executing the example requires a form containing:

Example is a handler of the OnClick event for the button.

Run the form, select only one calculated series in the workbook and click on the Button1 button. The following procedure is executed:

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    Analyzer: IEaxAnalyzer;
    pLaner: ILaner;
    pSeries: ILanerCalculateSerie;
    TransPeriod: ILanerTransformPeriod;
    Analyzer := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
    pLaner := Analyzer.Laner;
    pSeries := LanerBox1.SelectedSeries(0As ILanerCalculateSerie;
    TransPeriod := pSeries.TransformPeriod;
    TransPeriod.AutoPeriod := TransformModelAutoPeriodOptions.None;
    TransPeriod.PeriodSet := LnTransformPeriodSet.All;
    TransPeriod.StartDate := DateTime.Parse("01.01.2000");
    TransPeriod.IdentificationEndDate := DateTime.Parse("31.12.2010");
    TransPeriod.EndDate := DateTime.Parse("01.01.2020");
End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example the following Options are set for the selected calculated series:

See also:
