
Assembly: Laner;


The ILanerTransformPeriod interface is used to work with the options of calculation period for the calculated series.


By default the period of the calculated series calculation matches the display period in the workbook:


  Property name Brief description
AllowForecastBeforeIdent The AllowForecastBeforeIdent property determines whether forecast period can go before sample period.
AutoPeriod The AutoPeriod property determines the conditions used in the calculation of retrospection and forecast periods limits.
EndDate The EndDate property determines the forecast end date for the series values.
EndDateParamId The EndDate property determines identifier of the parameter that sets the forecast end date for the series values.
EndOffset The EndOffset property determines the number of periods, which the forecast end date is displaced by.
ForecastStartDate The ForecastStartDate property determines the forecast start date for series values.
ForecastStartDateOffset The ForecastStartDateOffset property determines the number of periods used to offset forecast period start date.
ForecastStartDateParamID The ForecastStartDateParamId property determines the identifier of the parameter, setting the start date of the forecast period.
IdentificationEndDate The IdentificationEndDate property determines the end date of sample period.
IdentificationEndDateParamId The IdentificationEndDateParamId property determines identifier of the parameter that sets the end date of sample period.
IdentificationEndOffset The IdentificationEndOffset property determines the number of periods, by which the end date of sample period is shifted.
IsUsingForecastStart The IsUsingForecastStart property determines whether to use forecast start date.
OutputAutoPeriod The OutputAutoPeriod property determines the conditions used to calculate start and end dates of data loading period.
OutputEndDate The OutputEndDate property determines data loading end date.
OutputEndOffset The OutputEndOffset property determines the number of periods, by which data loading period end date is offset.
OutputStartDate The OutputStartDate property determines data loading start date.
OutputStartOffset The OutputStartOffset property determines the number of periods, by which data loading start date is offset.
PeriodSet The PeriodSet property determines the calculation period options, which are to be changed for the given calculated series.
StartDate The StartDate property determines the identification start date for the series values.
StartDateParamId The StartDateParamId property determines identifier of the parameter that sets the sample period start date for the series values.
StartOffset The StartOffset property determines the number of periods, by which the start date of sample period is displaced.

See also:

Laner Assembly Interfaces