In this article:


Structure of Shortcut Files

Opening Shortcut Files

Using Shortcut Files


Shortcut files are files that have a certain structure and the *.pp extension. These files are created and stored in the workstation file system. They enable the user to open platform objects directly from the file system without preliminary platform startup.

Structure of Shortcut Files

Shortcut files are created in the XML language and have the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Description of sections:

Example of shortcut file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<AutoOpen SingleInstance = "1" Silent="1">


        <WAREHOUSE Name="Test" Driver="MSSQL2008" Package="STANDARDSECURITYPACKAGE" Authentication="1" DebugMode="0" CurrentLocale="1033">


            <Credentials USER="user" PASSWORD="password"/>





When this file is opened, an object with the OBJ_TEST identifier opens. This object is contained in the WAREHOUSE repository located on the MSSERVER server. The server uses Microsoft SQL Server 2008 DBMS. To connect to the repository, use the "user" login and the "password" password.

Opening Shortcut Files

Shortcut files can be opened in the following ways:

cfg.exe C:\Shortcuts\Report.pp

See also:

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