
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZMapChartBar interface is used to work with a bubble indicator on the map layer.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Bubble indicator enables the user to display additional information about territories, for example, correlation of indicator values.

To enable this type of indicators, use the registry setting: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Prognoz\10.0\Visualizers\MapChart\EnableBubbleIndicator] = 1. If the MapChart end section and the REG_DWORD parameter EnableBubbleIndicator =1 are missing in the registry, create them manually.

Working with bubble indicators is executed similarly as with pie indicators.

The example of map with bubble indicators:

To get objects to work with bubble indicators:

  1. Get map layer by means of IVZMapChartLayers.Item.

  2. Get array of bubble indicators by means of IVZMapChartLayer.Bubbles.

  3. Get bubble indicator using by means of IVZBubblesArray.Item.

After executing the operations, the work with a bubble indicator on the map layer will be available.


  Property name Brief description
LeastSizeRadius The LeastSizeRadius property determines the minimum value of bubble indicator radius on the map layer.

Properties inherited from IVZMapChartVisualElement

  Property name Brief description
ToolTipStyle The ToolTipStyle property determines tooltip style of map visualizer.

Properties inherited from IVZMapChartBaseObject

  Property name Brief description
MapChart The MapChart property returns an object that contains express report map display parameters.
Visible The Visible property determines whether an object is displayed on a map.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces