
Assembly: Visualizators;


The VZMapChartBar class implements an object used to work with bar indicator on the map layer.


Bar indicator enables the user to display additional information about territories, for example, correlation of indicator values.

Class object properties inherited from IVZMapChartBar

  Property name Brief description
Axis The Axis property determines an object for working with axis of bar indicator on the map layer.
BarDistance The BarDistance property determines a distance between bars of bar indicator on the map layer.
BorderThickness The BorderThickness property determines width of borders of bar indicator on the map layer.
HideZeroHeight The HideZeroHeight property determines whether zero height bars are hidden in bar indicator on the map layer.
IsAllPeriod The IsAllPeriod property determines whether data is displayed in bar indicator on the map layer for the entire period.
IsPercentage The IsPercentager property determines whether percentage accumulation is used in bar indicator on the map layer.
LeastHeightPart The LeastHeightPart property determines the minimum height of bars of bar indicator on the map layer.
LeastWidthPart The LeastWidthPart property determines the minimum width of bars of bar indicator on the map layer.
MaxBarsCount The MaxBarsCount property determines the maximum number of displayed bars of bar indicator on the map layer.
PercentageHeight The PercentageHeight property determines a height of bar indicator tick marks on the map layer when percentage accumulation is used.

Properties inherited from IVZMapChartVisualElement

  Property name Brief description
ToolTipStyle The ToolTipStyle property determines tooltip style of map visualizer.

Class object properties inherited from IVZMapChartBaseObject

  Property name Brief description
MapChart The MapChart property returns an object that contains express report map display parameters.
Visible The Visible property determines whether an object is displayed on a map.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Classes