

Remove(Id: String): Boolean;


Id. Element identifier with user information.


The Remove method removes element with the specified identifier.


The method returns True if the element is removed, and False if element cannot be removed for some reason.

When using a custom method for cyclic calculation, the calculation algorithms have the following reserved values as the value of the Id parameter:

Identifier Description
BREAK_CYCLE It determines whether custom method execution must be broken.
Available values:
  • True. Break execution.
  • False. Continue execution.
UNLIMITED_CYCLE It determines whether the number of iteration for custom method execution is not limited.
Available values:
  • True. The number of method execution iterations is not limited.
  • False. The number of iterations can be determined in element with the MAX_ITERATION identifier.
MAX_ITERATION The maximum number of method execution iterations.
CURRENT_ITERATION Number of the current iteration of method execution. On an attempt to change value in the application code cyclic calculation can be broken.
ITERATION_INTERVAL Time interval between iterations in seconds. On an attempt to change value in the application code cyclic calculation can be broken.

See also:
