Transform Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The ITsCalculationClass interface contains static properties of the TsCalculation class.
The ITsCalculationContext interface is used to work with a custom calculation method context.
The ITsCalendarSettings interface is used to work with calendar level parameters.
The ITsCompositeFormulaTerm interface is used to work with composite element of expression.
The IMsInversionInfo interface is used to set up parameters of initial transformation executed on variable.
The ITsModelParam interface is used to work with a parameter.
The ITsModelParams interface is used to work with the parameters collection.
The ITsModelParamValue interface is used to work with parameter value.
The ITsModelParamValues interface is used to work with the parameter values collection.
The ITsParamProvider interface is used to work with object parameters.
The ITsStatistics interface is used to build a summary statistics tree.
The ITsStatisticsTree interface is used to work with a summary statistics tree.
The ITsUserData interface is used to store any user information.

See also:

Transform Assembly Enumerations | Transform Assembly Classes