WorkDayCount: Integer;
The WorkDayCount property returns the number of working days in a week.
The property is relevant for series with daily calendar frequency. The value of WorkDayCount is calculated as seven minus the number of days from the ITsCalendarSettings.RestDays property.
This example displays a custom series calculation method. To execute the example, add links to the Dimensions, Ms, Transform system assemblies.
Function WorkDayCount(Input: ITimeSeries): Variant;
pContext: ITsCalculationContext;
i: Integer;
pSeries: ITimeSeries;
CalendSett: ITsCalendarSettings;
pContext := TsCalculation.Current;
pSeries := pContext.CreateTimeSeries(DimCalendarLevel.Day);
CalendSett := pContext.CalendarSettings;
If (CalendSett.WorkDayCount = 5) And (CalendSett.FirstDay = DayOfWeekSet.Monday) Then
For i := Input.StartIndex To Input.EndIndex Do
pSeries.Item(i) := 1 + Input.Item(i);
End For;
pContext.RaiseWarning("Used calendar parameters do not fit for method calculation");
End If;
Return pSeries;
End Function WorkDayCount;
The method increases input series values if the custom calculation method context is set on a five-day week and Monday is the beginning of the week.
See also: