

The IMetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState interface contains properties that are used to get information about readiness of an object for update.


  Property name Brief description
ApplyAfterParent The ApplyAfterParent property determines whether an object will be updated after updating its parent.
ConflictObject The ConflictObject property returns the repository object, with which a conflict occurred while preparing an object for update.
CreatedObject The CreatedObject property returns the description of an object created on update.
ForceParent The ForceParent property determines description of the object, which is the parent for the specified update object.
ForceUpdateObject The ForceUpdateObject property determines a repository object that will be updated regardless of the settings determined for an object in the update.
ForceUpdateVcs The ForceUpdateVcs property determines whether the object controlled by VCS will be updated.
State The State property determines a state of readiness of an object for update.
UpdateObject The UpdateObject property determines a repository object that will be updated.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces