

AlwaysPrintDocumentLabel: Boolean;


The AlwaysPrintDocumentLabel property determines whether marking stamp will be displayed regardless of the applied access control method and settings of document marking on export or print.


If the property is set to True, the marking stamp will be displayed on export and print regardless of the applied access control method and settings of document marking on export or print. Determine marking stamp format for correct work.

NOTE. On exporting the report to the RTF format, it is possible to disable marking stamp displaying by setting IPrxReportExporter.ExportSecurityLabels to False.

The property is set to False by default. In this case, to display marking stamp: 

After a value is set for the property is set, apply security policy using IMetabaseSecurity.Apply.


The example of property use is given in the example for IGxDocument.OwnMultiCopiesPrint.

See also:
