

CacheAutoClear: Boolean;


The CacheAutoClear property determines whether the mode of automatic cache clearing on working in the repository is used.


If this property has the True value, on working in the repository the mode of automatic cache clearing is used, it is followed by the object clearance for which the structure extraction was performed. Before clearing the check for references to object is performed if there are no references then the object is deleted from memory. For the systems with x86 bitness the clearing is performed on using more than 80% of virtual memory. On using the virtual memory in the interval of the 50-80% the deletion of objects which were not used for more than 20 minutes. For systems with x64 bitness every 20 minutes the objects which have not been used for 20 minutes are deleted. In both cases the operation is performed on obtaining the structure of a new object.

If the property has False value, automatic clearing is not performed.

By default this property is set to False.


Add a link to the Metabase system assembly.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    MB.CacheAutoClear := 
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example the automatic cache clearing will be performed.

See also:
