CountOperations([Session: Integer = -1]; [Operation: Integer = -1]): Integer;
Session. It determines a session where it is required to specify the number of records in access protocol.
Operation. It determines an operation, the record number about which must be specified in access protocol.
The CountOperations method returns the number of records about the operations in the repository in the access protocol.
The parameters are optional.
As a value of the Session parameter, one can use the IAuditLogons.Session or IAuditOperations.Session property. The default value is -1 (all sessions).
As a value of the Operation parameter, one can use IAuditOperations.Operation. The default value is -1 (all operations).
If the Session and Operation parameters are specified, the number of records is returned taking into account values of these parameters.
The method use is given in the example for IAuditLog.CountLogons.
See also: