

RowsToInsert: Integer;


The RowsToInsert property determines how many rows can be inserted during a single iteration. This property must be specified when the RowsBehaviour property is set to Insert (When the number of the data area rows is increased, the required number of rows is added into the report sheet and thus information in the lower rows is shifted down).

The RowsToInsert property is set to 1 by default.

When the relational source includes many entries, the insertion of new rows may take considerable time, that is why it is recommended to enter the value approximately equal to the number of entries in the source, to speed up the process.

If empty inserted rows are left after all the source entries are pasted, these rows are automatically deleted.


The following example assumes that there is the Report object with the IPrxReport type.

Sub User;


Report : IPrxReport;

TabIs : IPrxTableIslands;

TI : IPrxTableIsland;


TabIs := Report.TableIslands;

TI := TabIs.Item(0);

TI := TI.Edit;

TI.RowsBehaviour := PrxDataIslandHeaderBehaviour.Insert;

TI.RowsToInsert := 100;


End Sub User;

After executing the example the rows behavior is set: Insert N at a time. When the number of the data area rows is increased, the required number of rows is added into the report sheet, 100 rows are inserted during a single iteration.

See also:
