

The UiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs class is used to create custom arguments of the EventOnAuditOperation event


  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates arguments of the EventOnAuditOperation event and enables the user to cancel logging for a repeated operation.
CreateArgs The CreateArgs constructor creates arguments of the EventOnAuditOperation event.

Properties inherited from IUiPrxReportAuditOperationEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Comment The Comment property determines a comment to be added to the system comment when auditing an operation.
FromWeb The FromWeb property determines whether an operation is executed from a web application.
Operation The Operation property determines type of a logged operation.
Repeated The Repeated property determines whether an operation is repeated.

Properties inherited from IUiPrxReportCancelEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel property determines whether a particular action is to be executed on a regular report (calculation, export, and so on).

Properties inherited from IUiPrxReportEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns a regular report.

Properties inherited from IUiReportBaseEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
UiRep The UiRep property returns an object containing the UiReport component that has generated the event.

See also:

Report Assembly Classes