

GetNamesRaw(Values: IMatrixModel; Attributes: Array; Dimentions: Array; [Names: IMatrixModel = Null; ][ValueIndex: Integer = 0]);


Values. Value matrix.

Attributes. Array of dictionary attribute names.

Dimentions. Array of dictionary dimensions.

Names. Name matrix. Optional parameter. This parameter is not determined by default.

ValueIndex. Value index in matrix. Optional parameter. By default, a matrix is processed with the first element.


The GetNamesRaw method enables the user to get names of the time series database elements by specified values and dimensions.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the OBJ_FC identifier and an MDM repository with the RDS_REPO identifier. The MDM repository must contain a dictionary with the DICT_CTR identifier. The time series database must include an attribute that refers to the current dictionary.

Sub Main;


Dimensions: Array[1] Of Variant;

Attributes: Array[1] Of String;

MetaDic, DicEdit: IMetaDictionary;

Nams: IMetaAttributeNamings;

Rubricator: IRubricator;

Mb: IMetabase;

RDS: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;

Dim: IDimInstance;

Names: Matrix[1];

mModel: IMatrixModel;


Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;

Rubricator := Mb.ItemById("OBJ_FC").Bind As IRubricator;

MetaDic := Rubricator.Facts;

DicEdit := (MetaDic As IMetabaseObject).Edit As IMetaDictionary;

Nams := DicEdit.AttributeNamings;

Names[0] := 512;

MModel := Names As IMatrixModel;

RDS := Mb.ItemById("RDS_REPO");

Dim := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("DICT_CTR", RDS.Key).Open(Null) As IDimInstance;

Dimensions[0] := Dim;

Attributes[0] := "COUNTRY";

Nams.GetNamesRaw(mModel, Attributes, Dimensions);

End Sub Main

After executing the example, names of the time series database elements are received by specified values and dimensions.

See also:
