

Selection: IDimSelectionSet;


The Selection property returns the selection according to which table is built up.


This property returns selection of all dimensions of all express report data sources. The obtained selection can be changed. All changes are passed to data sources, after which they are rebuilt. The data table is also rebuilt. If it is required to make multiple changes in selections, it is recommended to make all the changes between calling of the IPivot.BeginSelectionUpdate and IPivot.EndSelectionUpdate methods. This enables the user to avoid constant rebuilding of data, which causes constant data extraction.

If a data source contains the dimensions controlled by other dimensions, they are worked in two stages:

  1. Set selection by the dimensions which control any other dimensions between calling of the IPivot.BeginSelectionUpdate and IPivot.EndSelectionUpdate methods. On calling the IPivot.EndSelectionUpdate method, the controlled dimensions are rebuilt.

  2. Get refreshed selection via the IPivot.Selection property.

  3. Set selection in rebuilt controlled dimensions between calling of the IPivot.BeginSelectionUpdate and IPivot.EndSelectionUpdate methods.

IMPORTANT. After calling of the IPivot.BeginSelectionUpdate method and entering any changes into selection, all changes will be applied on calling of the IPivot.EndSelectionUpdate method. To work with the actual selection, get it again using properties of Selection after calling of the IPivot.EndSelectionUpdate method.

NOTE. Foresight Analytics Platform enables the user to set selection constraint.


The property use is given in the example for IPivot.BeginSelectionUpdate.

See also:
