

SetRowWidth(newWidth: Integer): Integer;


newWidth. Number of lines.


The SetRowWidth method sets the number of the lines in the output layer of the Kohonen self-organizing map.


SetRowWidth is an analog of the INeuralNetwork.SetOutputWidth method and returns the current number of lines in the output layer of the map.

A Kohonen self-organizing map can be presented in a linear manner (all input layer neurons form a single line) or as a two-dimensional map (input layer neurons form a rectangle or a square). The linear view is used by default, however, it can be changed only by assigning the number of the lines via the SetRowWidth or INeuralNetwork.SetRowWidthEx method. For example, the first layer of the network consists of 20 neurons. If one should indicate the layer to contain four lines, the map shall be presented as a rectangle with the sides, which size is 4x5 neurons. Learning and work with a map is performed in accordance with the assigned logical structure. The current number of map lines can be obtained using the INeuralNetwork.GetRowWidth or INeuralNetwork.GetRowWidthEx method.

The method use is given in the example for INeuralNetwork.GetClosestNeuron.

See also:
