

ExecuteWithAggregationInfo(DimIndex: Integer; Source: IMatrix; Filter: IDimSelectionSet): IMatrixWithAggregationInfo;


DimIndex. Index of the dimension, by which elements aggregation is executed.

Source. Matrix with source data, based on which aggregation is executed.

Filter. Dimension selection, according to which aggregation is executed.


The ExecuteWithAggregationInfo method calculates aggregated data and allows for getting information about aggregation execution result.


Executing the example requires that repository contains a standard cube with the CUBE identifier. The cube should contain at least two dimensions. The first dimension - MDM dictionary containing with hierarchical element structure and two levels. Cube facts should be added locally without the use of existing dictionary.

Add links to the Cubes, Dimensions, Matrix, Metabase system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    CubeInst: ICubeInstance;
    Destination: ICubeInstanceDestination;
    Man: IMatrixAggregatorManager;
    BasicAggr: IBasicMatrixAggregator;
    Dims: ICubeInstanceDimensions;
    Dim: IDimensionModel;
    Lvls: IDimLevels;
    LevAggr: IBasicMatrixLevelAggregator;
    MatrDS: IMatrixDataSource;
    DimSS: IDimSelectionSet;
    Matr, MatrAggr: IMatrix;
    Iter: IMatrixIterator;
    MatrixAggrInfo: IMatrixWithAggregationInfo;
    AggrCount, i: Integer;
    AggrInfo: IAggregationInfoItem;
    // Get the current repository
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get opened cube instance
    CubeInst := MB.ItemById("CUBE").Open(NullAs ICubeInstance;
    // Get cube display version set by default
    Destination := CubeInst.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
    // Create and set up data aggregator
    Man := New MatrixAggregatorManager.Create As IMatrixAggregatorManager;
    BasicAggr := Man.CreateAggregator("BasicMatrixAggregator"As IBasicMatrixAggregator;
    // Get cube dimensions and display their names
    Dims := Destination.Dimensions;
    Debug.WriteLine("Cube dimensions:");
    For i := 0 To Dims.Count - 1 Do
        Debug.WriteLine("- " + Dims.Item(i).Name)
    End For;
    // Select the second dimension to set up aggregation parameters
    Debug.WriteLine("Aggregation parameters are set up for the dimension: " + Dims.Item(1).Name);
    // Get second dimension structure
    Dim := Dims.Item(1).Dimension;
    // Get dimension levels
    Lvls := Dim.Levels;
    BasicAggr.Dimension := Dim;
    // Set consumer level, source level and aggregation method - Sum
    LevAggr := BasicAggr.LevelAggregation(Lvls.Item(Lvls.Count - 2));
    LevAggr.Operation := BasicAggregatorOperation.Sum;
    LevAggr.Include(Lvls.Item(Lvls.Count - 1)) := True;
    // Set selection of the first element in the first dimension
    MatrDS := Destination As IMatrixDataSource;
    DimSS := MatrDS.CreateDimSelectionSet;
    // Set full selection for the rest of dimensions
    For i := 1 To DimSS.Count - 1 Do
    End For;
    // Calculate matrix according to the specified selection
    Matr := MatrDS.Execute(DimSS);
    // Get matrix with source data
    Iter := Matr.CreateIterator;
    Debug.WriteLine("Source data:");
    While Iter.Valid Do
        Debug.Write(Iter.Value + " ");
    End While;
    // Calculate aggregated data
    MatrixAggrInfo := BasicAggr.ExecuteWithAggregationInfo(1, Matr, Null);
    // Get matrix with aggregated data
    MatrAggr := MatrixAggrInfo.Matrix;
    Iter := MatrAggr.CreateIterator;
    Debug.WriteLine("Aggregated data:");
    While Iter.Valid Do
        Debug.Write(Iter.Value + " ");
    End While;
    // Get aggregation information
    AggrInfo := MatrixAggrInfo.Item;
    // Get the number of aggregated elements
    AggrCount := AggrInfo.Count;
    Debug.WriteLine("Number of aggregated elements: " + AggrCount.ToString);
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the operations a cube data aggregator is created. Aggregation will be executed by elements from the second to the first dimension level with the use of the Sum method for calculating basic aggregation mechanism. After the setup is complete, aggregated data is calculated. Source data and aggregated data will be displayed in the console. For example:

Cube dimensions:

- Facts

- Dictionary 1

- Dictionary 2

Aggregation parameters are set up for the dimension: Dictionary 1

Source data:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1

Aggregated data:

3 2 6 5 9 8

Number of aggregated elements: 6

See also:
