

The IDimSelectionSet interface contains properties and methods to work with collection of dictionaries selections.


To set up additional parameters to work with collection of selections, put existing object to the IDimSelectionSet2 interface.


  Property name Brief description
The AllSelected property returns whether all elements in selections of all dictionaries are selected.
The Count property returns the number of dictionary selections.
The Item property returns dictionary selection.


  Method name Brief description
The Add method adds dictionary to collection and returns its selection.
The AddCompound method adds composite selection.
The BeginUpdate method sets prohibition on events execution.
The Clear method removes all dictionary selections from the collection.
The Compare method compares current selection with a specified selection.
The CopyTo method copies dictionaries selection to the specified consumer.
The CopyToEx method copies groups of elements and dictionary selections to the specified consumer
The CreateCopy method creates a copy of dictionaries selection.
The EndUpdate method lifts prohibition from events execution.
The FindById method searches dictionary selection by dictionary identifier.
The FindByKey method searches dictionary selection by dictionary key.
The IndexOfKey method returns index of dictionary selection in the collection.
The Remove method removes dictionary selection by index.
The RemoveById method removes dictionary selection by dictionary identifier.
The RemoveByKey method removes dictionary selection by dictionary key.
The SaveElementDependencies method saves collection of dependencies from elements included into dictionary selections.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces