

The IDocument interface contains properties and methods of the Document repository object.


  Property name Brief description
CreationDate The CreationDate property determines the creation date for the file stored in the document.
FileName The FileName property determines the path and name of the file stored in the document.
MimeType The MimeType property determines the type of the contents stored in the document.
ModificDate The ModificDate property determines modification date of the file stored in the document.
Size The Size property returns size of the file stored in the document.

Methods inherited from IDocumentBase

  Method name Brief description
GetAsStream The GetAsStream method creates a new stream connected to the given document.
LoadFromFile The LoadFromFile method loads the given file into the document.
LoadFromStream The LoadFromStream method loads the stream content into the document.
SaveToFile The SaveToFile method saves the document contents into the file on the disk.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves the document content into the stream.

See also:

Fore Assembly Interfaces