

DimGroup: IDimElementGroup;


The DimGroup property determines the dictionary elements group, based on which an element tree in the component is built.


Executing the example requires a form, a button named Button1 on the form, the DimensionTree component named DimensionTree1, the DimensionCombo component named DimensionCombo1 and the UiDimension component named UiDimension1 that is a data source for DimensionTree and DimensionCombo. The dictionary loaded into UiDimension must have two groups of elements.

The example is a handler of the OnClick event for a button.

Add links to the Dimensions, ExtCtrls, Forms, and Metabase system assemblies.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    MB: IMetabase;
    Groups: IMetabaseObjectDescriptors;
    ElemGroup: IDimElementGroup;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    Groups := (UiDimension1.Dimension As IMetabaseObject).Children;
    ElemGroup := Groups.Item(0).Bind As IDimElementGroup;
    DimensionTree1.DimGroup := ElemGroup;
    ElemGroup := Groups.Item(1).Bind As IDimElementGroup;
    DimensionCombo1.DimGroup := ElemGroup;
End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example, on clicking the button in the DimensionTree1 component the element tree based on the dictionary first element group is displayed, and in the DimensionCombo1 component - the element tree based on the dictionary second element group.

See also:
