ExecuteMethodEx(Method: LanerBoxMethod; Settings: ILanerBoxMethodSettings): Variant;
Method. Series transformation method.
Settings. Parameters of applying transformation method.
The ExecuteMethodEx method transforms a selected data series using a specified method and selected parameters.
The ILanerBox.CanExecuteMethod property returns whether the specified method can be applied to the selected series.
Executing the example requires a form with a button on named Button1, the LanerBox component named LanerBox1 and the UiErAnalyzer component which is used as a data source for LanerBox. The workbook of the time series database should be loaded to UiErAnalyzer.
Add a link to the Ms system assembly.
This procedure should be assigned as a handler of the OnClick event for this button. The example is executed on clicking the button.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Sett: ILanerBoxMethodSettings;
Param: Array[4] Of Variant;
If LanerBox1.CanExecuteMethod(LanerBoxMethod.TermInfoMethod) Then
Sett := New LanerBoxMethodSettings.Create;
Sett.TrySelfExecute := True;
Sett.CreateDerivedSeries := False;
Param[0] := MsInversion.Diff;
Param[1] := MsInversionLag.PrecidingYear;
Param[2] := -3;
Sett.Param := Param;
LanerBox1.ExecuteMethodEx(LanerBoxMethod.TermInfoMethod, Sett);
End If;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the selected workbook series are converted to calculated ones calculated as increase of series values to the previous year with a lag of 3.
See also: