

ParseAttributeOI(Value: Variant; Attribute: IDimAttribute; [Strict: Boolean = False]);


Value. Selection value, from which restoration is executed.

Attribute. Dictionary attribute, by which selection is taken. A unique index must be created in the dictionary by this attribute.

Strict. The parameter that determines whether an exception is thrown if the Value value has elements missing in the current selection.


The ParseAttributeOI method restores a source hierarchy selection if a custom hierarchy and a source dictionary are not linked.


If a link between a custom hierarchy and a source dictionary is established, selection values are taken from the value passed by the Value parameter.

Custom hierarchy is an alternative hierarchy created in the report on adding an element to a dimension.

It is used together with the IDimSelection.AttributeToVariantOI method.

The Strict parameter is set to False by default, missing elements are skipped. If the parameter is set to True, an exception is thrown.


The method use is given in the example for IDimSelection.AttributeToVariantOI.

See also:
