

The ICustomDimension interface contains properties and methods to work with created dictionary.


Designed dictionary is used as base for the local fact dimension in standard and calculated cube. The repository can also contain saved alternative hierarchy of analytical data area as designed dictionary.

The structure of designed dictionary should be cast to the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor and IMetabaseObject interfaces. A work mode (view or edit structure) depends on the mode of opened parent cube.


  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property returns collection of the dictionary attributes.
Elements The Elements property returns collection of dictionary elements.
HideInaccessibleElements The HideInaccessibleElements property determines whether inaccessible elements will be hidden.
Levels The Levels property returns collection of dictionary levels.
ReverseOrder This property is not supported.
Tree The Tree property returns dictionary elements displayed as a tree.


  Method name Brief description
OrganizeLevels The OrganizeLevels method automatically creates levels in accordance with hierarchy of fact dictionary elements.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces