
Assembly: Db;


The ITableField interface contains properties of a table field.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To work with all table fields, use the ITableFields interface.


  Property name Brief description
CaseSensitiveId The CaseSensitiveId property determines the identifier of a table field.
DataDomain The DataDomain property determines type of table field data if it is used to store multibyte information.
DataType The DataType property determines field type.
DefaultValue The DefaultValue property determines default value for the field.
Expression The Expression property returns expression of calculated field.
IsCalculated The IsCalculated property determines whether the field is calculated.
IsIdentity The IsIdentity property determines that values of this field identify each string of data in the unique way.
IsSparse The IsSparse property returns whether sparse columns are used to store data.
Mandatory The Mandatory property determines whether empty values are allowed in the field.
Precision The Precision property determines quantity of decimal digits of field.
Size The Size property determines total length of the field.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
The Id property determines object identifier.
The Key property returns object key.
The Name property determines object name.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces