

The CubeMetaUpdateAdditionalObjects interface is used to work with the collection of objects that must be copied together with the time series database, but are not nested objects of this database.


The collection may include objects of various classes. If the user needs to copy a regular or express report, this report must be dependent only on one time series database. The ICubeMetaUpdateAdditionalObject interface is used for working with the collection elements.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of objects in the collection.
Item The Item property returns the object from the collection by its index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds the selected object to the collection.
Clear The Clear method clears objects collection.
FindById The FindById method searches for an object in the collection by its identifier.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for an object in the collection by its key.
Remove The Remove method deletes object from the collection by its index.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces