

The ICubeMetaUpdateAdditionalObject interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an object that must be copied with a time series database, but is not a nested object of this time series database.


Objects of different classes can be copied together with a time series database. If this object is a regular or express report, it must be dependent only on a single time series database.


  Property name Brief description
DataSettings The DataSettings property returns parameters of copying object data.
DescriptorOnly The DescriptorOnly property determines whether copied object includes object descriptors only.
IncludeChildren The IncludeChildren property determines whether an object is copied with all its child objects.
SourceClassId The SourceClassId property determines a class of copied source object.
SourceId The SourceId property determines an identifier of the copied source object.
SourceKey The SourceKey property determines a key of copied source object.
Target The Target property determines an object used as a consumer that will be replaced by a data source object.
TargetId The TargetId property determines an identifier of a copy object.
TargetParent The TargetParent property determines a parent object for a copy object.

Properties inherited from INamedEntityModel

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property returns object identifier.
Key The Key property returns object key.
Name The Name property returns object name.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces