

LoadWithResult(Source: Object; CreateInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo): ICubeLoaderResult;


Source. The data source described by the IDtProvider interface.

CreateInfo. Information about the created object. If information is missing or loading to the current object is executed, the Null value must be passed as a parameter.


The LoadWithResult method loads data and returns loading result.


The type of created object determines value of the ICubeLoaderFromSource.Type property.


Executing the example requires the following in the repository:

  1. Folder with the TSDB_FOLDER identifier.

  2. MDM repository with the RDS_LOAD identifier.

  3. Table MDM dictionary with the CITY_DICT identifier. This dictionary must be outside the MDM repository. The dictionary must also contain a unique index with the UINDEX identifier. This index must include only one attribute with the NAME identifier. The attribute contains names of dictionary elements. The dictionary must contain the following elements:

The file system must contain the C:\result_exp.txt file with data.

Add links to the Collections, Cubes, Dimensions, Dt, Metabase, Rds system assemblies.

Contents of the C:\result_exp.txt file

Sub UserProc;
    mb: IMetabase;
    parent: IMetabaseObject;
    rdsDatabase: IRdsDatabase;
    loader: ICubeLoaderFromSource;
    DimBindings: ICubeLoaderDimensionBindings;
    bind: ICubeLoaderDimensionBinding;
    DimModel: IDimensionModel;
    Calend: ICubeLoaderDimensionBinding;
    DateConv: IDateConverter;
    creator: IDtObjectCreator;
    prov: IDtTextProvider;
    Result: ICubeLoaderResult;
    Object: IMetabaseObject;
    List, Arr: IArrayList;
    Item: Variant;
    i: Integer;
// Get the current repository
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get the TSDB_FOLDER folder, in which a time
    // series database will be created
    parent := mb.ItemById("TSDB_FOLDER").Bind;
// Get MDM repository
    rdsDatabase := mb.ItemById("RDS_LOAD").Bind As IRdsDatabase;

    // Create an object for data loading
    loader := New CubeLoaderFromSource.Create;
// Specify the MDM repository that will be used during loading
    loader.RdsDatabase := rdsDatabase.Open(Null);
// Specify that a time series database will be
    // created for loaded data
    loader.Type := CubeLoaderType.Rubricator;
// Specify the folder, in which a time series database will be created
    loader.Parent := parent;
// Get bindings of dimensions to data provider fields
    DimBindings := loader.DimensionBindings;
// Add a binding for the CITY field
    bind := DimBindings.Add("CITY");
// Specify that the field will have a corresponding dimension
    // based on the CITY_DICT MDM dictionary
    DimModel := mb.ItemById("CITY_DICT").Bind As IDimensionModel;
    bind.Dictionary := DimModel;

    // Specify the index, by which a binding will be created
    bind.Index := DimModel.Indexes.FindById("UINDEX");
// Specify identifier of the attribute, on which index is based
    bind.AttributeId := "NAME";
// Add a binding for the INDICATOR field.
    // Dictionary for creating a dimension corresponding to this field
    // will be created automatically in the RDS_LOAD MDM repository
// Add a binding for calendar dimension
    Calend := DimBindings.AddCalendar("Year", DimCalendarLevel.Year);
// Create an object for parsing dates in data provider
    DateConv := New DateConverter.Create;

    // Set date format
    DateConv.CalendarDateFormat := "$YEAR$";
    DateConv.ConvertShortYear := 
// Set the created object to calendar dimension binding
    Calend.Converter := DateConv;
// Add a binding for data provider values
// Create an object for working with data provider
    creator := New DtObjectCreator.Create;
// Create a text data provider from file
    prov := creator.CreateDtObjectFromFile("C:\result_exp.txt"As IDtTextProvider;
// Specify column delimiter used in data provider
    prov.DelimitedColumnDelimiter := ";";
// Load data and process loading result
    Result := loader.LoadWithResult(prov, Null);
// Get object, to which data was loaded
    Object := Result.Object;
// Display information about object in the console window
    Debug.WriteLine("Name and identifier of created time series database: " +
    Object.Name + 
"(" + Object.Id + ")");

    // Get empty records and display them in the console window
    List := Result.NullStrings;
If List.Count <> 0 Then
"Empty records:");
For Each Item In List Do
            Arr := Item 
As IArrayList;
For i := 0 To Arr.Count - 1 Do
"; ");
End For;
End For;
End If;

    // Get duplicate records and display them in the console window
    List := Result.DuplicatedStrings;
If List.Count <> 0 Then
"Duplicate records:");
For Each Item In List Do
            Arr := Item 
As IArrayList;
For i := 0 To Arr.Count - 1 Do
"; ");
End For;
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example data from the C:\result_exp.txt file is loaded to the time series database created for this purpose. Import results and identifier and name of the created time series database are output to the console window.

See also:
