

The DynamicTreeList component is used to display a tree of object inheritance with dynamic string height and virtual scrolling.


The component is implemented by the DynamicTreeList class. Nodes are implemented as an array of objects of the TreeListBase.DataObject property, working with nodes is executed via the properties of the type: TreeListBase.NodeVisible. Collection of titles is implemented by the ListCaptions class consisting of several ListCaptions. It also contains scrollbars PP.Ui.ScrollBar.


The component looks as follows:

Example of Creating the DynamicTreeList Component


  Constructor name Brief description
DynamicTreeList The DynamicTreeList constructor creates an instance of the DynamicTreeList class.

Properties inherited from the TreeListView class

  Property name Brief description
AutoScrollDelay The AutoScrollDelay property determines delay between autoscroll position changes.
Captions The Captions property determines tree titles.
ContentVerticalAlign The ContentVerticalAlign property determines vertical alignment of titles.
DblClickExpand The DblClickExpand property determines mode of node expand/collapse on double-click.
DragAndDropDelay The DragAndDropDelay property determines delay before Drag&Drop mode start.
DragAndDropIndent The DragAndDropIndent property determines separating line indent on using the Drag&Drop mode.
DragAndDropMode The DragAndDropMode property determines Drag&Drop mode.
EnableAutoColumnSize The EnableAutoColumnSize property determines column width autofit mode.
EnableAutoScroll The EnableAutoScroll property determines autoscroll mode.
EnableColumnsMenu The EnableColumnsMenu property determines visibility of column selection menu.
EnableDragAndDrop The EnableDragAndDrop property determines whether Drag&Drop mode is enabled.
EnableDragOutside The EnableDragOutside property determines whether it is available to drag to other trees.
EnableDropOutside The EnableDropOutside property determines whether it is available to drag from other trees.
EnableEdit The EnableEdit property determines cell editing mode.
EnableKeyNavigation The EnableKeyNavigation property determines whether keyboard can be used for navigation in a tree.
EnableRangeSelect The EnableRangeSelect property determines whether nodes can be selected by range.
EnableResizeColumns The EnableResizeColumns property determines whether column width can be changed.
EnableSearch The EnableSearch property determines whether it is available to search in a tree.
EnableSort The EnableSort property determines whether sorting is available.
IconVerticalAlign The IconVerticalAlign property determines vertical alignment of icons.
ImageList The ImageList property determines an image with icons for nodes.
NodeDefaultStyle The NodeDefaultStyle property determines default node style.
PageStyle The PageStyle property determines style of container with nodes.
RightButtonSelect The RightButtonSelect property determines whether nodes can be selected with the right mouse button.
RowSelect The RowSelect property determines whole row selection mode.
ScrollStep The ScrollStep property determines scroll step for mouse wheel and autoscroll.
ShowCaptions The ShowCaptions property determines whether column headers are displayed.
ShowCheckBoxes The ShowCheckBoxes property determines whether checkboxes are displayed.
ShowGridLines The ShowGridLines property determines whether gridlines are displayed.
ShowToolTips The ShowToolTips property determines whether tooltips are displayed.
ShowTree The ShowTree property determines tree structure display mode in the first column.
ShowTreeLines The ShowTreeLines property determines displaying of tree structure lines.
ScrollBarH The ScrollBarH property determines a horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollBarV The ScrollBarV property determines a vertical scrollbar.

Methods inherited from the TreeListView class

  Method name Brief description
clearHighlightedText The clearHighlightedText method clears text highlighting.
areAllVisibleNodesLoaded The areAllVisibleNodesLoaded method determines whether all visible nodes are loaded.
cancelEditing The cancelEditing method cancels the current editing.
endDropFromOutside The endDropFromOutside method initiates an event of moving node from external tree with the specified arguments.
getVisibleNodes The getVisibleNodes method returns keys of all visible nodes.
highlightText The highlightText method highlights the specified strings in tree elements.
measureColumnContentWidth The measureColumnContentWidth method returns column contents.
moveDrag The moveDrag method moves the dragged node to the current cursor position.
removeHover The removeHover method removes the current mouseover highlighting.
scrollToNode The scrollToNode method scrolls tree to the node by key.
scrollToPosition The scrollToPosition method scrolls tree to the mode by number.
setHoveredNode The setHoveredNode method sets highlighting caused by mouseover on the specified node.
startEditing The startEditing method enables node contents edit mode.
stopEditing The stopEditing method stops node editing.

Events inherited from the TreeListView class

   Event name Brief description
CheckBoxClick The CheckBoxClick event occurs before clicking the checkbox.
NodeCellMouseOut The NodeCellMouseOut event occurs on moving mouse from node cell.
NodeCellMouseOver The NodeCellMouseOver event occurs on pointing a mouse on node cell.
NodeClick The NodeClick event occurs on clicking a mouse on node.
NodeDblClick The NodeDblClick event occurs on double-clicking a mouse on node.
NodeDrag The NodeDrag event occurs on moving the dragged node along tree elements.
NodeDragEnd The NodeDragEnd event occurs before ending of node moving.
NodeDragFinished The NodeDragFinished event occurs after ending of node moving.
NodeDragStart The NodeDragStart event occurs before start of node moving.
NodeEditCanceled The NodeEditCanceled event occurs on canceling cell editing.
NodeEdited The NodeEdited event occurs after ending of cell editing.
NodeEditing The NodeEditing event occurs before cell editing.
NodeMouseDown The NodeMouseDown event occurs on clicking a mouse button on node.
NodeMouseOut The NodeMouseOut event occurs on moving mouse cursor from node.
NodeMouseOver The NodeMouseOver event occurs on moving mouse cursor to mode.
NodeMouseUp The NodeMouseUp event occurs on releasing mouse button on node.
ToolTipShowing The ToolTipShowing event occurs on displaying a tooltip.
VisibleNodesChange The VisibleNodesChange event occurs before displaying new nodes.
VisibleNodesChanged The VisibleNodesChanged event occurs after displaying new nodes.

Properties inherited from the TreeListBase class

  Property name Brief description
AllowEmptySelection The AllowEmptySelection property determines whether zero selection is available.
DataMappers The DataMappers property determines data mapping parameters.
DataObject The DataObject property determines a tree data source.
ExpansionMode The ExpansionMode property determines a node expansion mode.
FocusedNode The FocusedNode property determines an identifier of the focused node.
FilterColumn The FilterColumn property determines a column index for filter check.
FilterString The FilterString property determines filter text.
NodeChecked The NodeChecked property determines whether the specified node checkbox is selected.
NodeChildrenCount The NodeChildrenCount property determines the number of specified node children.
NodeChildrenSelected The NodeChildrenSelected property determines the number of selected children of the specified node.
NodeClass The NodeClass property determines a CSS class of the specified node.
NodeContent The NodeContent property determines node contents.
NodeControls The NodeControls property determines node controls.
NodeData The NodeData property determines user data of the specified node.
NodeEditable The NodeEditable property determines whether the specified node can be edited.
NodeExpanded The NodeExpanded property determines whether the specified node is expanded.
NodeFixedExpanded The NodeFixedExpanded property determines whether the specified node can be expanded or collapsed.
NodeFixedFocused The NodeFixedFocused property determines whether the specified node can be focused.
NodeFixedSelected The NodeFixedSelected property determines whether the specified node can be selected.
NodeFocused The NodeFocused property determines whether the specified node is focused.
NodeImageIndex The NodeImageIndex property determines icon index of the specified node.
NodeIndex The NodeIndex property determines number of the specified node at the current level.
NodeParent The NodeParent property determines a parent key of the specified node.
NodeSelected The NodeSelected property determines whether the specified node is selected.
NodeStyle The NodeStyle property determines style of the specified node.
NodeVisible The NodeVisible property determines whether the specified node is visible.
RequestTimeout The RequestTimeout property determines delay before tree rendering.
SelectionMode The SelectionMode property determines selection mode.
SortColumn The SortColumn property determines a sorting column.
SortDirection The SortDirection property determines sorting direction.
SortMethod The SortMethod property determines a sorting method.

Methods inherited from the TreeListBase class

  Method name Brief description
beginUpdate The beginUpdate method selects update block checkbox.
checkExpansion The checkExpansion method checks if nodes are expanded correctly.
checkSelection The checkSelection method checks if nodes are selected correctly.
clearNodes The clearNodes method clears all tree nodes.
deleteNode The deleteNode method deletes the specified tree node.
endUpdate The beginUpdate method deselects update block checkbox.
find The find method returns key of the node containing the searched row in the corresponding column.
findText The findText method searches full match of value in the first column.
focusNode The focuseNode method sets focus on the specified node.
getAllCheckedNodes The getAllCheckedNodes method returns array of nodes depending on the checkbox status.
getAllExpandedNodes The getAllExpandedNodes method returns array of nodes depending on the expander status.
getAllNodes The getAllNodes method returns all nodes.
getAllNodesCount The getAllNodesCount method returns the number of nodes.
getLastExpandedNode The getLastExpandedNode method returns key of the last expanded node.
getLastSelectedNode The getLastSelectedNode method returns key of the last selected node.
getNodeByPosition The getNodeByPosition method returns key of the node by its number.
getNodeChildren The getNodeChildren method returns array of keys of the specified node children.
getNodeChildrenVisible The getNodeChildrenVisible method returns whether specified node children are visible.
getNodeExist The getNodeExist method returns whether the specified node exists.
getNodeIsFirst The getNodeIsFirst method returns whether the specified node is the first in the list.
getNodeLevel The getNodeLevel method returns level of the specified node.
getNodePosition The getNodePosition method returns number of the specified node.
getNodes The getNodes method returns an array of nodes to be rendered.
getNodesCount The getNodesCount method returns the number of nodes to be rendered.
getRequestItemByIndex The getRequestItemByIndex method returns index of the node and its parent by their number.
getRequestParentByIndex The getRequestParentByIndex method returns parent index by node's number.
getSelectedNodes The getSelectedNodes method returns selected nodes.
isFilterActive The isFilterActive method returns whether filter is used.
isHierarchicalDataObject The isHierarchicalDataObject method returns whether the Children data mapping is used.
isNodeExist The isNodeExist method returns whether the specified node exists.
isPartialRequestPossible The isPartialRequestPossible method determines whether branches can be partially loaded.
isSortActive The isSortActive method returns whether sorting is active.
isUpdating The isUpdateing method returns whether update mode is active.
loadNodes The loadNodes method loads nodes from object.
moveNode The moveNode method moves the specified node.
preserveSelection The preserveSelection method remembers the current selection for the setSelectedFromToIndex method.
refresh The refresh method refreshes the tree.
removeFocus The removeFocus method removes the current focus.
requestData The requestData method requests dynamic tree loading.
setCheckedForAll The setCheckedForAll method sets values to all tree checkboxes.
setCheckedForNodeAncestors The setCheckedForNodeAncestors method sets value to checkboxes of each ancestor of the specified node.
setCheckedForNodes The setCheckedForNodes method sets value to checkboxes of the specified nodes.
setExpandedForAll The setExpandedForAll method sets expander values to all nodes.
setExpandedForNodeAncestors The setExpandedForNodeAncestors method sets expander values to each ancestor of the specified node.
setExpandedForNodes The setExpandedForNodes method sets expander values to array of nodes.
setFilter The setFilter method sets filter for tree.
setSelectedForAll The setSelectedForAll method selects all nodes.
setSelectedForChildren The setSelectedForChildren method selects all children of the specified node.
setSelectedForLevel The setSelectedForLevel method selects all nodes of the specified level.
setSelectedForNodes The setSelectedForNodes method selects the specified array of nodes.
setSelectedFromToIndex The setSelectedFromToIndex method changes the current selection for range of nodes.
setSort The setSort method sorts tree elements.
updateDataObject The updateDataObject method creates an empty object with data if it is missing.
updateIndexes The updateIndexes method refreshes visible nodes.
updateMappers The updateMappers method refreshes data mapping objects.
updateNode The updateNode method refreshes the specified node.
updateNodeStyle The updateNodeStyle method refreshes styles of the specified node.
updateTree The updateTree method rebuilds a tree.

Events inherited from the TreeListBase class

   Event name Brief description
CheckedChanged The CheckedChanged event occurs after changing checkbox status.
CheckedChanging The CheckedChanging event occurs before changing checkbox status.
DataRequest The DataRequest event occurs before changing sorting.
ExpansionChanged The ExpansionChanged event occurs after changing expander value.
ExpansionChanging The ExpansionChanging event occurs before changing expander value.
FilterChanged The FilterChanged event occurs after filter is changed.
FilterChanging The FilterChanging event occurs before filter is changed.
Finding The Finding event occurs before applying search.
Found The Found event occurs after applying search.
FocusChanged The FocusChanged event occurs after changing focus.
FocusChanging The FocusChanging event occurs before changing focus.
SelectionChanged The SelectionChanged event occurs after changing selection.
SelectionChanging The SelectionChanging event occurs before changing selection.
SortChanged The SortChanged event occurs after changing sorting.
SortChanging The SortChanging event occurs before changing sorting.

Properties inherited from the class Control

  Property name Brief description
Anchors The Anchors property determines position of the component placed within container.
Animation The Animation property determines component animation parameters.
Bottom The Bottom property determines a bottom margin if a component is placed inside LayoutPanel.
Content The Content property determines component contents.
ContextMenu The ContextMenu property determines a component's context menu.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether a component can be used.
Height The Height property determines component height.
IsRTL The IsRTL property determines whether component elements are aligned to the right.
IsVisible The IsVisible property determines whether a component is displayed.
Left The Left property determines a left margin if a component is placed inside GridPanel.
Opacity The Opacity property determines component transparency.
Parent The Parent property determines a parent component of a control.
ParentNode The ParentNode property determines a parent DOM node.
ResourceKey The ResourceKey property determines a component resource key.
Right The Right property determines a right margin if a component is placed inside LayoutPanel.
Rotate The Rotate property determines a component rotation angle.
ShowToolTip The ShowToolTip property determines whether a tooltip of the component can be displayed.
Style The Style property determines a component style.
TabIndex The TabIndex property determines the order of the control element passing inside the container.
Tag The Tag property determines a JSON object associated with the component.
ToolTip The ToolTip property determines text of component tooltip.
Top The Top property determines a top margin if a component is placed inside GridPanel.
Value The Value property determines a component value.
Width The Width property determines component width.

Methods inherited from the class Control

  Method name Brief description


The addClass method adds a CSS class to the component.
addEventHandler The addEventHandler method adds an event handler to a DOM node.


The addStateClass method adds a CSS class to the component and removes the previous CSS class.


The addToNode method adds a component to the specified node.
bindEvents The bindEvents method subscribes an element to all available events.


The getAnchorFlags method returns JSON object that contains settings of the current component's position.


The getClass method returns the current CSS classes of the component.


The getCssStyle method returns style for the specified node.


The getDomNode method returns main DOM node of the component.


The getFocused method determines whether the component is focused.
getIsBinded The getIsBinded method returns whether an element is subscribed to all DOM node events.


The hide method hides a control.


The hideToolTip method clears tooltip timeout and hides the tooltip if it is shown.
refreshStyle The refreshStyle method refreshes element CSS styles.


The removeClass method removes CSS class from the component.
removeEventHandler The removeEventHandler method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeFromDOM The removeFromDOM method removes node from the DOM structure.


The removeStateClasses method removes CSS classes of the component.


The setDraggable method determines whether a component can be dragged on the HTML page.


The setFocus method sets the component focus.


The setIsHovered method sets up component displaying only on mouseover.


The setSize method establishes the sizes of the component.


The show method displays a control.
unBindEvents The unBindEvents method unsubscribes an element from all standard events.


The updatePosition method updates size and position when absolute positioning based on the current parameters is used.


The updateSize method updates the component size on changing the size of the container that contains the component.

Events inherited from the class Control

  Event name Brief description
Drag The Drag event occurs on clicking and holding the mouse button.
DragEnd The DragEnd event occurs when dragging the component finishes.
DragStart The DragStart event occurs when dragging the component starts.
OnContextMenu The OnContextMenu event occurs on calling context menu of the component.
SizeChanged The SizeChanged event occurs after the component is resized.
SizeChanging The SizeChanging event occurs during component resize.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getId The getId method returns repository object identifier.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setId The setId method determines a repository object identifier.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also:

DHTML Components