Example of Creating the Menu Component

To execute the example, in the HEAD tag, add links to the PP.js library and PP.css visual styles. There is an example of the static Menu component creation, consisting of the title, six buttons and the separator between third and fourth items:


<div id="but"></div>

<div id= "div1">Item6</div>

<script type="text/javascript">

    var showBut = new PP.Ui.Button({ ParentNode: document.getElementById("but"), Content: "Show" });


    var menu = new PP.Ui.Menu();

    //first child item of the menu

    var item1 = new PP.Ui.MenuItem();

    //first item submenu

    var childMenu1 = new PP.Ui.Menu();

    //first item of the first item submenu

    childMenu1Item1 = new PP.Ui.MenuItem();


    childMenu1Item1.setContent("Element 1");

    //checkbox is selected


    //the second menu item of the item

    childMenu1Item2 = new PP.Ui.MenuItem();


    childMenu1Item2.setContent("Element 2");

    //checkbox is selected


    //add submenu items for the first item



    //specify menu for the first item




    //second menu item

    var item2 = new PP.Ui.MenuItem();

    //group name




    var item3 = new PP.Ui.MenuItem();



    //group name


    //create and add the title to the menu

    var header = new PP.Ui.MenuHeader();



    //add items to the menu. Items from 1 to 3 are the instances of the MenuItem class




    //create and add the separator to the menu

    var sep = new PP.Ui.Separator();




    //HTML layout


    //DOM node


    //calls the menu by clicking the button

    showBut.Click.add(function (sender, args) { menu.show(50, 50) });



The menu of the following view opens by clicking the Show button after an example execution:

The menu consists of the Main title, the separator (between the third and the fourth items) and six items. First three items are the instances of the MenuItem class, fourth is the text, fifth is the HTML layout, sixth is the DOM node.

Using the Menu property a submenu that consists of two items is set for the first item. And for each of these submenu items a checkbox is set using the Checked property.

The common group name is set for the second and third menu item by the GroupName property. That means that the radio button, that is set when selecting the item, is configured for this items:

Only one radio button is available at the same time: or for the Item2, or the Item3.

See also:
