

Checked: Boolean


The Checked property determines whether the checkbox or the radio button is set for the menu item.


If the property is defined for the menu item, a checkbox or a radio button is shown in the left part of the component. Radio buttons are set up for items with the common group name. A checkbox is set if the group name is not specified.

If the property is set to True, a checkbox or a radio button is set for the specified item. If the value is set to false, the checkbox is deselected and radio button is not selected.

The property value is not set by default.

NOTE. The property is relevant if the ShowIcons property is set to True.

Value of the Checked property overrides value of Menu.ImageList, that is, when a radio button or checkbox is available, icons are not shown in the left part of the menu.


An example of use is given on the Example of creating the Menu component page.

See also:
