

removeItemByIndex(value: Number, withDispose: Boolean);


value. Index of the tab to be deleted.

withDispose. Indicates whether a tab is deleted.


The removeItemByIndex method deletes a tab by its index.


Available values of the withDispose parameter:


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain links to PP.js script file and to PP.css styles file, in the <body> tag of the HTML page of two <div> items with the tabControl1 and tabControl2 identifiers. In the onload event of the <body> tag it is necessary to specify the call of the createTabControl() function. Add two controls on the page and implement handlers of following events for one of them:

var tabControl1, tabControl2;
// Create a control
function createTabControl() {
    tabControl1 = new PP.Ui.TabControl({
        // Set parent component
        ParentNode: document.getElementById("tabControl1"),
        // Set path to icons folder
        ImagePath: "../build/img/",
        // Set size
        Width: 500,
        Height: 40,
        // Set tab template on adding a panel
        AddTabButtonTemplate: PP.Templates.TabItem,
        // Set whether it is possible to insert tabs from other controls
        EnableDropFromOutside: true,
        // Set whether a tab can be dragged from a control
        EnableDragOutside: true,
        // Set automatic contents alignment
        ContentAutoFit: true,
        // Set left padding
        PaddingLeft: 5,
        // Set tab panel height
        HeaderHeight: 23,
        // Set handler for event of dragging a tab to a control
        TabDragIn: function (sender, args) {
            console.log("The tab is dragged from a control with the identifier: " + args.TabControl.getId())
        // Set a handler for event of dragging a tab from a control
        TabDragOut: function (sender, args) {
            console.log("The tab is dragged from a control")
    // Create a menu
    var menu = new PP.Ui.Menu({
        Items: [new PP.Ui.MenuItem({ Content: "Submenu" })]
    tabControl2 = new PP.Ui.TabControl({
        // Set parent element
        ParentNode: document.getElementById("tabControl2"),
        // Set path to icons folder
        ImagePath: "../build/img/",
        // Set size
        Width: 500,
        Height: 40,
        // Set array of tabs
        Items: [{
                Caption: "Tab 1",
                Position: PP.LTRB.Top,
                // Set menu for the tab 1
                Menu: menu
                Caption: "Tab 2",
                Position: PP.LTRB.Top
                Caption: "Tab 3",
                Position: PP.LTRB.Top
                Caption: "Tab 4",
                Position: PP.LTRB.Top
        // Set handler of tab drag to control event
        TabDragIn: function (sender, args) {
            console.log("Tab is dragged from control with the identifier: " + args.TabControl.getId());
        // Set handler of tab drag from control
        TabDragOut: function (sender, args) {
            console.log("Tab is dragged from control");
        // Set handler of mouse button click on tab event
        SelectableSelected: function (sender, args) {
            console.log("Tab with the contents is clicked: " + args.Control.getCaption());
        // Set handler of tab menu open event
        TabMenuShowing: function (sender, args) {
            console.log("Menu is opened for the tab with the contents: " + args.TabItem.getContent());

Add tabs to the first control:

// Add items
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
    tabControl1.insertItem({ Caption: "Tab " + i }, i);

Call the menu of the first tab of the second control:

As a result, the console displays the message about menu calling:

The menu with the contents is called: Tab 1


Click the mouse button on the second tab of the second control. As a result, the console displays the result of clicking:

The tab with the contents is clicked: Tab 2


Scroll the tab panel to the ninth tab:

// Scroll tab panel to the ninth tab

As a result, tab panel of the first control is scrolled to the ninth tab:

Select the ninth tab:

// Select the ninth tab

As a result, the ninth tab is selected:

Remove the eighth tab:

// Remove the eighth tab:

As a result the eighth tab is removed from the tab panel:

Take the second tab out of the second control and take it in before the ninth tab of the first control. As a result, the second tab is before the ninth tab of the first control:


The console displays information about events occurred on dragging of tabs:

Tab is dragged from the control

Tab is dragged from the control with the identifier: "TabControl783"


Set style of tabs which is the same as for the toolbar and get contents of the first tab button:

// Set style of tabs as for the tool bar
// Get contents of the first tab button
console.log("Contents of the first tab button: " + tabControl1.getToolBarButtonByTabItem(tabControl.getItems()[0]));

As a result, tab panel will look as the toolbar:

The console displays the contents of the first tab button:

First tab button contents: Tab 1


Add a new button to the control and get its contents:

// Insert a new button in the control
tabControl1.insertButton(new PP.Ui.Button({ Content: "Button" }), "Top");
// Get contents of added button
console.log("Contents of added button: " + tabControl1.getButtons().Top[0].getContent());

As a result, the button is added to the control:


The console displays contents of added button:

Contents of added button: Button


Get the number of the top panel visible tabs:

// Get the number of the top panel visible tabs
console.log("Number of top panel visible tabs: " + tabControl1.getVisibleItems().length);

As a result, the console displays the number of top panel tabs:

Number of the top panel visible tabs: 10

See also:
