

getMaxHeight (target);

setMaxHeight (target, value);


target. The control for which it is necessary to return or set maximum height of the menu that contains autocomplete suggestions.

value. Maximum height value for the menu that contains autocomplete suggestions for specified element.


The MaxHeight property sets and returns maximum height of the menu that contains autocomplete suggestions for specified control.


Use the setMaxHeight method to set the property value and the getMaxHeight method to get the property value. Property value cannot be set from JSON.


To execute the example, the page must contain Autocomplete component named autocomplete (see Autocomplete constructor). Set maximum height and width of the tooltip for text editor with the TB1 identifier:

autocomplete.setMaxHeight("TB1", 300);
autocomplete.setMaxWidth("TB1", 300);

After executing the example, maximum height and width of the tooltip equial to 300 pixels are set for the TextBox component with the TB1 identifier.
