



The getSelectedOrPinnedSeries method returns selected series or the pinned series if there is any.


To execute the example, the page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component), and also add the following code in the handler, that processes document opening event:

	//Get all series' series
	var _Series = wbk.getActiveSheet().getSeries();	
	//Add a handler to the metabase connection end event that 
	//sets availability of the Collapse Expanded button
	metabase.EndRequest.add(function (){
		_Series = wbk.getActiveSheet().getSeries();
		var i;
		//Get all expanded group and calculated series and collapse them
		for(i = 0; i < _Series.length; i++)
			if(_Series[i].expanded && (_Series[i].expanded === True))
	//Series collapse operation end handler
	var callback = PP.Delegate(function(){
		//Refresh the entire component to display workbook
	var collapseSeriesButton = new PP.Ui.Button({
		ParentNode: document.body, //DOM parent node
		Content: "Collapse Expanded", //Text
		Click: PP.Delegate(onClickCollapseSeries)
	function onClickCollapseSeries()
		var i;
		//get all expanded group and calculated series and collapse them
		for(i = 0; i < _Series.length; i++)
			if(_Series[i].expanded && (_Series[i].expanded === True))
	function collapeSerie(Series)
		var args = undefined;	
		//Create an object that contains information about the expanded series
		_series = {
			k: Series.k,
			kind: Series.kind,
			index: Series.index,
			childrenCount: Series.childrenCount
		_series.expanded = False;
		_series.atts = { its: { it: []} };					
		series = [_series];
		//Create a body of server request for collapsing of series
		var body =
				  tWbk: wbk.getOdId(),
				    series: 'Change'
				   metaGet: tsService._getWbkSeriesPattern(),
						it: series
	//It is required to get tabsheet structure to set correct width and height of added series
	body.SetWbkMd.tArg.metaGet.getTabSheet = {
		pattern: {
			DHTML: True,
			structure: True
	//Add information about tabsheet structure to the body of server request
	if (series.length == 1 || wbk.getPinned())
		var res = { it: [] };
		if (wbk.getPinned()){ k: wbk.getSelectedOrPinnedSeries()[0].k });
			var ser = series[0];
			if (ser){ k: ser.k });
		if (res)
			body.SetWbkMd.tArg.metaGet.results = {
				correlation: True,
				coefficients: True,
				tabSheet: True,
				series: res
	tsService._addViewSettings(wbk, body.SetWbkMd);
	//Set whether workbook is changed
	//Sort array of series
	series = series.sort(tsService._sorting.bind(wbk));
	//Get indexes of the first and the last group series
	var firstIndex = wbk.getRealIndex(undefined, series[0]);
	var lastIndex = wbk.getRealIndex(undefined, series[series.length - 1]);
	//Remove child series of the expanded workbook series
	wbk.removeSeries(wbk.getRealIndex(undefined, series[0]) + 1, series[0].childrenCount);		
	//Add information about child series of the group series
	body.SetWbkMd.tArg.metaGet.seriesFilter = {
		range: {
			start: firstIndex,
			count: (lastIndex - firstIndex + 1)
	//Add procedures to the mailing list of server response delivery event
	callback = tsService._visitCallback(callback, new PP.Delegate(tsService._editSerieCompleted, tsService, { Workbook: wbk, Expanding: False }));
	callback = tsService._visitCallback(callback, new PP.Delegate(tsService._OnOpened, tsService, { Workbook: wbk, MetaData: args }));
	//Send request to server
	tsService._send(body, callback);

After executing the example the button named Collapse Expanded is placed in the HTML page. To execute the example, the workbook must contain an expanded series. Select such a series and click the Collapse Expanded button. On clicking this button the selected series is collapsed.

See also:
