
This namespace contains classes used to work with time series.


  Class name Brief description
HieService The HieService class is used to work with hierarchy of time series database in Foresight Analytics Platform.
MetaAttrBrCrOptionParser The MetaAttrBrCrOptionParser class parses XML string that contains breadcrumb settings received from service.
MetaHierarchy The MetaHierarchy class implements an instance of hierarchy metadata.
TSService The TSService class implements a service for working with time series analysis.
WbkDocument The WbkDocument class an instance of a workbook from time series database.
Workbook The Workbook class describes workbook data model.
WorkbookViewCtrl The WorkbookViewCtrl class implements workbook controller.


  Enum name Brief description
BreadcrumbItemCaptionType The BreadcrumbItemCaptionType enumeration contains types of breadcrumb text types in the MetaAttributeBreadCrumb component.
ExpressionFuncType The ExpressionFuncType enumeration contains categories of functions.
HieFilterMode HieFilterMode enumeration contains filtering modes available for series in hierarchy.
FrResultType The FrResultType enumeration contains types of custom function parameter.
SerieFlags The SerieFlags enumeration contains types of deterministic methods. It is similar to LnSerieFlags enumeration to WSDL.
StatCensus2HolidaysAdjustmentType The PP.TS.StatCensus2HolidaysAdjustmentType enumeration is used in WSDL StatTraidingDaysAdjustmentType.
StatCriterionType The PP.TS.StatCriterionType enumeration is used in WSDL StatCriterionType.
StatInterceptMode The StatInterceptMode enumeration is used to set mode of defining a constant.
StatSearchType The StatSearchType enumeration is used to define the method for selecting values of exponential smoothing coefficients.
StatTraidingDaysAdjustmentType The StatTraidingDaysAdjustmentType enumeration is used to define trading days adjustment.
WbkChartType The WbkChartType enumeration contains a chart types in a workbook

Static methods

  Static methods Brief description
PP.TS.isAggregationSerie The isAggregationSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Aggregation.
PP.TS.isCalculatedSerie The isCalculatedSerie method indicates if the series is a calculated series.
PP.TS.isDerivedSerie The isDerivedSerie method indicates if the series serie is a child series.
PP.TS.isDeterministicSerie The isDeterministicSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Deterministic.
PP.TS.isFillGapsSerie The isFillGapsSerie method returns if formula type of the series is FillGaps.
PP.TS.isGroupSerie The isGroupSerie method returns if the series serie is a group.
PP.TS.isInteroplationSerie The isInteroplationSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Interpolation.
PP.TS.isLagSerie The isLagSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Lag.
PP.TS.isLeadSerie The isLeadSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Lead.
PP.TS.isLogSerie The isLogSerie method returns whether the "serie" series has the Log formula type.
PP.TS.isModSerie The isModSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Remainder in Division.
PP.TS.isPredictionSerie The isPredictionSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Forecasting.
PP.TS.isRegressionSerie The isRegressionSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Regression.
PP.TS.isRoundSerie The isRoundSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Rounding.
PP.TS.isSmoothingSerie The isSmoothingSerie method returns if formula type of the series is Smoothing.
PP.TS.isSplicedSerie The isSplicedSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Splice.
PP.TS.isStatSerie The isStatSerie method indicates if formula type of the series is Statistic.
PP.TS.isTruncateSerie The isTruncateSerie returns if the formula type of the series is Truncate.