

isStatSerie (serie);


serie. Sets series index.


The isStatSerie method determines whether specified series is calculated using a Statistical formula.


This method returns True if formula type of the series passed to the method as a parameter, is Statistical, otherwise the method returns False.


To execute the example, the page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component), and the following code must be added in the document opening event handler:

var getIsStatSerieButt = new PP.Ui.Button({
	ParentNode: document.body, //DOM parent node
	Content: "Get Series Type", //Text
	Click: PP.Delegate(onClickType)
function onClickType()
		var series = wbk.getSeries();
		var messageString = "";
		for (var i = 0; i<series.length; i++)
				//Determine whether the specified series is calculated by the Statistical formula
				PP.TS.isStatSerie(series[i]) ? addStatSerieString(i) : addNonStatSerieString(i);
		function addStatSerieString(rowIndex)
				messageString = messageString + "The series number " + i + " - has the Statistical formula type" + '\n';
		function addNonStatSerieString(rowIndex)
				messageString = messageString + "The series number " + i + " -  has a formula type that duffers from the Statistical type" + '\n';

After executing the example the Get Series Type button is placed in the HTML page. Clicking this button shows a message if the series available in the table are calculated using a Statistical formula.

See also: