

editSeries (wbk, series, callback, expanding, grouping, args);


wbk. Sets workbook.

series. Sets series array

callback. Sets handler for operation execution end.

expanding. Indicates if series expander state is changed.

grouping. Indicates if series grouping is changed.

args. Sets arguments containing metadata.


The editSeries method changes series value.


The expanding parameter may take the following values:

The   parameter may take the following values:


To execute the example, the page must contain the WorkbookBox component named workbookBox (see Example of Creating the WorkbookBox Component), and also add the following code in the handler, that processes document opening event:

	var editSeriesButt = new PP.Ui.Button({
		ParentNode: document.body, //DOM parent node
		Content: "Rollback Revision", //Text
		Click: PP.Delegate(onClickEditSeries)
	var serie;
	function onClickEditSeries(){
		serie = wbk.getSelectedSeries()[0];
		//Get series revisions
		tsService.getSerieRevisions(wbk, serie, PP.Delegate(onResponse));
	function onResponse(sender, args)
		var revs = args.Revs;
		//Get keys of the last and one but the last revisions
		var lastRevKey = PP.Mb.UINT32MAXVALUE;
		var prevRevKey = revs[revs.length - 2].k;
		serie.atts = { its: { it: []} };
		//Set revision key for series
		if (serie.calc.revKey == PP.Mb.UINT32MAXVALUE)
			serie.calc.revKey = prevRevKey;
			serie.calc.revKey = PP.Mb.UINT32MAXVALUE;
		series = [serie];
		//Change series
		tsService.editSeries(wbk, series, PP.Delegate(function()
			//Refresh workbook display

After executing the example the WorkbookBox component and the button named Rollback Revision are placed on the HTML page. Change values of one or several cells, next save the changes using the Save Changes button in the Data ribbon tab. In the dialog box that opens click the OK button. Thus we add a revision to series. After that select the changed series. On clicking the button new values are replaced with previous ones.

See also:
