Animation Item

The Animation item contains the description of the icon animation.

NOTE. Milestone animation is not yet implemented.

Attributes of the <Animation> item

Attribute name Type Description
AnimationType String Animation type. Available values: Linear. To be used in future.
ApplySeparately Boolean

Determines whether to apply settings to specific steps or to the whole animation. Available values:

  • true. The StepTime attribute stores animation time for a single interval.

  • false. The StepTime attribute stores time of full animation that will be distributed between intervals depending on their length.

AutoReverse Boolean Determines whether animation cycle can be reversed. Available values:
  • true. Animation cycle can be reversed.

  • false. Animation cycle cannot be reversed.

The attribute is relevant if Loop=”True”.
DelayTime Integer

Delay time (stop) in milliseconds at the current animation point.

Loop Boolean

Determines whether to loop animation. Available values:

  • true. Loop animation.

  • false. Animation is not looped.

StepTime Integer

Interval animation time or time of full animation in milliseconds.

AnimationPointsList String

List of animation points. The list contains string descriptions of points separated with spaces. Relativeor absolute point values are defined depending on value of the OffsetType attribute of the milestone that contains the animation item.

See also:

MapContentMilestone Item