
Namespace: PP.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy





The ListBox class implements the ListBox component: that is, a list.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.ListBox, PP.Ui.Control, "ListBox");


  Constructor name Brief description
ListBox The ListBox constructor creates an instance of the ListBox component.


  Property name Brief description
EmptySelection The EmptySelection property determines whether an empty set of elements can be selected.
EnableEdit The EnableEdit property determines whether list elements can be edited.
EnableKeyboard The EnableKeyboard property determines whether the user can select list elements using UP and DOWN keys.
ImageList The ImageList property determines a set of icons for the ListBox component.
IsScrollToSelected The IsScrollToSelected property determines whether the list is scrolled up to the selected element.
Items The Items property contains an array of list elements.
MultiSelect The MultiSelect property determines whether multiple selection is available for list elements.
Orientation The Orientation property determines orientation of the ListBox component.
SelectedIndex The SelectedIndex property determines index of the selected list line.
SelectedItem The SelectedItem property determines the selected list element.
SelectOnMouseDown The SelectOnMouseDown property determines whether elements are selected on the mouse click.


  Method name Brief description
addItem The addItem method adds a new element to list.
beginUpdate The beginUpdate method determines whether the list is updated.
clear The clear method removes all elements from the list.
clearSelection The clearSelection method is used to reset selection.
endUpdate The endUpdate method removes whether the list is updated.
filterByText The filterByText method filters list elements by string.
getActiveItem The getActiveItem method returns the selected list element.
getItemByPoint The getItemByPoint method returns list element by the specified coordinates.
getLastItemClick The getLastItemClick method returns the last selected list element.
getLayoutItems The getLayoutItems method returns an array of list elements.
getScrollBox The getScrollBox method returns scrolling region of elements list.
getSelectedItems The getSelectedItems method returns array of selected list elements.
insertItem The insertItem method adds an element to the position of the elements list set by the index parameter.
removeItem The removeItem method removes the element of the list by the specified index.
scrollToItem The scrollToItem method scrolls the list up to the item element.
scrollToSelected The scrollToSelected method scrolls the list up to the selected list element.
selectItemById The selectItemById method selects the element with the specified Id identifier.
setSelectedFocus The setSelectedFocus method sets focus on the element index.


  Event name Brief description
ItemClick The ItemClick event occurs on clicking a list element.
ItemDeselected The ItemDeselected event occurs on removing selection from list element.
ItemEdited The ItemEdited event occurs after completing editing of list element.
ItemEditing The ItemEditing event occurs on starting editing of list element.
ItemMouseDown The ItemMouseDown event occurs on pressing and holding down the mouse button on the element.
ItemSelected The ItemSelected event occurs on selecting a list element.
SelectableSelected The SelectableSelected event occurs on any click on the list element.

Properties inherited from the class Control

  Property name Brief description
Anchors The Anchors property determines position of the component placed within container.
Animation The Animation property determines component animation parameters.
Bottom The Bottom property determines a bottom margin if a component is placed inside LayoutPanel.
Content The Content property determines component contents.
ContextMenu The ContextMenu property determines a component's context menu.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether a component can be used.
Height The Height property determines component height.
IsRTL The IsRTL property determines whether component elements are aligned to the right.
IsVisible The IsVisible property determines whether a component is displayed.
Left The Left property determines a left margin if a component is placed inside GridPanel.
Opacity The Opacity property determines component transparency.
Parent The Parent property determines a parent component of a control.
ParentNode The ParentNode property determines a parent DOM node.
ResourceKey The ResourceKey property determines a component resource key.
Right The Right property determines a right margin if a component is placed inside LayoutPanel.
Rotate The Rotate property determines a component rotation angle.
ShowToolTip The ShowToolTip property determines whether a tooltip of the component can be displayed.
Style The Style property determines a component style.
TabIndex The TabIndex property determines the order of the control element passing inside the container.
Tag The Tag property determines a JSON object associated with the component.
ToolTip The ToolTip property determines text of component tooltip.
Top The Top property determines a top margin if a component is placed inside GridPanel.
Value The Value property determines a component value.
Width The Width property determines component width.

Methods inherited from the class Control

  Method name Brief description
addItem The addItem method adds a new element to list.
beginUpdate The beginUpdate method determines whether the list is updated.
clear The clear method removes all elements from the list.
clearSelection The clearSelection method is used to reset selection.
endUpdate The endUpdate method removes whether the list is updated.
filterByText The filterByText method filters list elements by string.
getActiveItem The getActiveItem method returns the selected list element.
getItemByPoint The getItemByPoint method returns list element by the specified coordinates.
getLastItemClick The getLastItemClick method returns the last selected list element.
getLayoutItems The getLayoutItems method returns an array of list elements.
getScrollBox The getScrollBox method returns scrolling region of elements list.
getSelectedItems The getSelectedItems method returns array of selected list elements.
insertItem The insertItem method adds an element to the position of the elements list set by the index parameter.
removeItem The removeItem method removes the element of the list by the specified index.
scrollToItem The scrollToItem method scrolls the list up to the item element.
scrollToSelected The scrollToSelected method scrolls the list up to the selected list element.
selectItemById The selectItemById method selects the element with the specified Id identifier.
setSelectedFocus The setSelectedFocus method sets focus on the element index.

Events inherited from the class Control

  Event name Brief description
Drag The Drag event occurs on clicking and holding the mouse button.
DragEnd The DragEnd event occurs when dragging the component finishes.
DragStart The DragStart event occurs when dragging the component starts.
OnContextMenu The OnContextMenu event occurs on calling context menu of the component.
SizeChanged The SizeChanged event occurs after the component is resized.
SizeChanging The SizeChanging event occurs during component resize.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getId The getId method returns repository object identifier.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setId The setId method determines a repository object identifier.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

See also:
